Sunday, April 12, 2009

fruitful weekend...

had a very wonderful anf fruitful long weekend. i guessed it's one of the best spent weekend i had since the beginning of the year...

friday: caught a movie; "knowing", with lai yoke, chee meng and xiaowen. it wasn't really that great i think. the genre transformed from suspense/thriller in the beginning to science fiction at the end!?!? anyway, we went to koh's place for potluck dinner after that. it was nice catching up with all the fun ppl from the lab.

saturday: after more than half a year's break, the dragon boat practice had commenced finally. if not for the competition coming up on the 26th, i'm sure it'd have to be drag on and on... but it's rather sad that i'll not be allowed to participate. nvm.... after which, i went for a ktv session with ruoxin and mr chu. we were joined by 2 other new friends; kimberly and peiying. gosh, the 2 girls can reeeeally sing. made me wanted to go for professional vocal classes. mr chu found his vocal range and style and ruoxin finally found her path: jeff chang!

sunday: attended yiqiang's wedding. i guessed it's more like a primary school class gathering. although i didn't attend the same secondary or primary school as yiqiang, but we had a handful of common friends. i was like hey there, oh hi, long time no see, throughout the whole wedding. so glad to see so many old friends all at the same time...

hopefully it'll be a smooth and lucky week ahead...


~~**^_^**~~ said...

hey hey..didn know u can sing as well... =^^=

steve said...

haha...u r?