Wednesday, December 31, 2008

happy 2009!!!

let us recap on my 2008 resolution:

1) lower my cholesterol level
- not sure wat's my current level
2) build and tone up my body
- has been hitting the gym, but probably
not serious enough. seeing results, but slow...
3) start my marketing grad. dip. course
- coming to my last semester of the course.
really have learnt a lot on marketing theory applications
4) learn guitar
- i did sign up for a course at the cc, but quit just after one day.
the pace was soooo slow and boring. so till now, my guitar's lying
in my room like a white elephant
5) get our 2nd soiree award
- sigh..sad. no award i guess...
6) continue travelling
- went to northern part of malaysia, vietnam again, trekking at mt kota kinabalu
hope to go to more exotic places this year

So what's my 2009 new year resolution?
1) learn the guitar and be able to strum and sing one simple piece
2) earn my first monthly 5-figure income
3) mmm... can't think of anything more
4) find that someone special... ;-)

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